The color of granite depends on the proportions and varieties of the minerals in it. The prevailing color is gray. It is dark gray if dark minerals are abundant, and light if they are few. Greenish, pink, and blue hues are due to different kinds of feldspar. Granite is the most common igneous rock in the Earth's crust. It was formed ages ago when magma (molten rock) cooled. This cooling took place below the Earth's surface and slowly enough to permit formation of crystals. It has been formed in all the periods of geological time. It commonly occurs in mountain ranges, having been formed as mountain ores. But it also occurs in level regions that were mountainous at one time but have since been worn down Granite is a very hard stone, but like other rocks it may decay and crumble. Because of its great hardness it is difficult to work and so is an expensive building stone. It is used chiefly as dimension stone for paving blocks, curbing, monuments, and large buildings. |