Saigon city          



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A crowded street...                                                 


Ho Chi Minh City , also known as Saigon, serves as South Vietnam’s commercial centre. The bustling streets start their day from as early as the break of dawn till way after the day’s sunset. Packed with peddlers and hawkers the streets of Saigon are congested with bumper to bumper traffic and perpetual hooting of horns, consisting of mainly motorcycles. The Vietnamese hope of owning a Honda motorcycle is similar to which of every Singaporeans’ to own a Jaguar, accounting for the majority in motorcycles compared to cars. A place rich in culture, ladies throughout Saigon City can still seen wearing their traditional ao dai because they are required to so as to promote and preserve the Vietnamese culture . On top of that, traditional and exquisite Vietnamese handicrafts are commonly sold at shophouses located along the streets.



Towards dusk, the activities slow down and the streets are less packed. But once night falls, the streets are rejuvenated with life and activities again. Though safe to walk down the streets of Saigon City at night, it certainly is not surprising to see some pestered by persistent hawkers. From a young age of 4 years, kids are seen pushing and pressing tourists to buy souvenirs such as lighters and rather interesting aluminium-made purses, caps, display ships and many others, originally derived from can drinks . Also, it is not surprising to find some homeless people sleeping outside shops and buildings because Saigon City is still very much affected by poverty and they have to busk and beg as means of livelihood. The side-streets of Saigon City are rather clean despite some hearsays . Large and brightly-lit neon lights of the shophouses never fail to attract trains of customers, especially tourists.


Most Vietnamese choose the economical way of life, choosing to eat at road-side hawker stalls to savour spicy Vietnamese delicacies instead of restaurants, and motorcycles as their mean of transport. For entertainment and leisure, the locals go to near-by discotheques, pubs and bars , an example would be The Hard Rock Caf� located in downtown Saigon.The pleasures and excitement of nightlife is mostly patronised by the upper class and tourists. Being a visitor of the nation as Singaporeans, we are amazed by their simple way of life. They may be less fortunate compared to us, but they are ever willing to strive hard for a better tomorrow, with no complains. Here, we offer a toast to all Vietnamese that they will achieve their goal and find their pot of gold at the end of the rainbow soon!!



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Sights of Saigon City:


        Notredame Cathedral                   Central Post Office                 Saigon harbour by night


                                                    Vietnam Palace


                                                    Saigon city by night

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